The hospital I was at very much encourages breastfeeding, and all of the nurses were very helpful. But for some reason Adam just wasn't able to latch properly. It was very discouraging. I almost gave up, there were about eight people in our room when Adam started crying, he was hungry, and I tried once again to get him to nurse, and he just couldn't, so I pushed the button and asked for formula. The nurse brought a little bottle and he sucked it down quicker than I could imagine, and sitting there in that room with me were all of those people looking at me and telling me, "You see formula is just easier" and "I told you you'd change your mind", it was heart breaking.
Everyone left and that evening I tried to nurse Adam again, he wouldn't take to it, and I a nurse came in to check on us. She asked how it was going and I told her awful, that i wanted to give up, when my husband stepped in and told me "your not giving up, your going to do this. Forget what my family says, you want to do this, and I know you can!"
That was the best feeling ever to know that he supported me. The nurse tried to help me get Adam latched on, and it just wasn't right. We discovered that I had flat nipples(I know, how could i not know? But its not like I was really comparing mine to others) She suggested a nipple shield, its a silicone cover that goes over your nipple, you moisten it and it suctions to your body, and as the baby sucks on the shield it pulls your nipple out and the baby feeds through the shield. So my husband goes to the store in search of this. He comes back with it, and not three minutes later, I'm nursing my son for the first time, and i must say its one of my proudest moments.

Adam is now eight months old and still nursing. My husbands family doesn't like it, they think he is to old but I am planning on nursing for as long as he wants.
Breastfeeding creates a bond that is those who haven't done it wouldn't understand and those who have cant explain. Any problem you encounter with breastfeeding, can be fixed, all you have to do is find the right person to help you through it.
I want to thank Nikole for sharing her story here. You're a fantastic momma, and your son is as lucky to have you for his mommy as you are to have him as your son. xoxo
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