The worst part of it all is that people never question things. They take their Dr's word for everything and essentially put their lives (and the lives of their children) in his/her hands. These Dr.'s are paid. These Dr.'s get kickbacks. These Dr.'s don't care if you or your child become injured or die from this. You are ONE person. You are a number. Don't believe me? Ask your Dr. about "herd immunity". (Sadly, you won't even be given the true definition, but the made-up story they tell is bad enough!)

Canadian Flu Insert Tells Canadians To Beware Of The Vaccine Itself
Posted in Weight Loss on 28. Oct, 2009
Click here to view the actually pharmaceutical insert that comes along with all the Canadian swine flu vaccines being rolled out as of this Friday across Canada. Some areas of Canada are already underway with H1N1 vaccination drives.
You are free to interpret the insert yourself by clicking the link above, as it is produced so Canadians can investigate it.
Notes of extreme interest (concern) are the following……….
1. “The authorization is based on the Health Canada review of the available data on quality, safety and immunogenicity“……currently no standard testing on quality and safety of the H1N1 vaccine has been conducted thus far as the standard tests applied to all other vaccines
are supposed to be much longer. Real results on the safety of the vaccine will not be in unitl next year.
Health Canada officials do admit that they will collect data on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine as the H1N1 vaccines are administered. This means the people getting the H1N1 vaccine are the test subjects and most are not aware that they volunteered to participate in that experiment.
2. “H1N1 vaccine is favourable for active immunization against the H1N1 2009 influenza strain in an officially declared pandemic situation.”…….most Canadians are not aware but when the WHO (the World Health Organization) declares a pandemic situation it automatically allows vaccine manufacturers to bypasses the standard safety and testing standards applied to vaccines and medications in the past in each member country.
Just by using the word pandemic the legal avenues and standard human right violations against or involved in vaccine injury are cut off for people who get injured by the H1N1 vaccine. The word “pandemic” drives fearful people to the flu clinics yet the word also triggers a form of martial law and a reservation of legal human rights.
If you are injured by the vaccine the legal system is preset to state, “Canada was set into pandemic alert status by The WHO (a group of unelected officials) and had to place the safety of everyone above the safety of you and your family…… cannot sue us because the WHO said it was too dangerous to test the vaccine before we gave it out but it was not too dangerous to give it to you and risk your injury or death”.
3. The ingredient (adjuvant) squalene is included in the vaccine……Canada has never approved the use of an ingredient like this in it’s history. Such ingredients have been proven highly suspect in many experiments all over the world for actually damaging the immune system by asking too much of it at one time. In many cases the exact ingredient inside the H1N1 vaccine has caused extreme decreases in health in test subjects.
4. Formaldehyde, mercury and polysortbate 80 are all in the H1N1 vaccine being given out to Canadians. The dangers of those toxic chemicals can be found in the list here. There is no magic used in medicine where these ingredients will not damage your cells or the cells of a child, senior, infact or fetus.
5. Mercury’s links to Autism were questioned when a committee (a group) voted against mercury’s involvement in Autism but committee members with no financial ties to the vaccine manufacturers voted that the link of vaccines causing autism was sound while all others with financial ties voted the link was not sound. A story first broke in Rolling Stone Magazine showing vaccine manufacturers had the reports in their hands proving a concrete link between Autism and vaccines but orchestrated the cover up. Watch this documentary for the complete story of Autism’s link to vaccines.
6. “There is currently limited clinical experience with Arepanrix™ H1N1..”…this means no safety or effectiveness results exist at this time for the Canadian H1N1 vaccine. Those results will be recorded as the vaccine is injected into Canadians adults, children, infants and seniors alike.
7. “Elderly (>60 years): No clinical data are available for Arepanrix™ H1N1 in this age group. One dose of 0.5mL at an elected date may be considered“…….meaning they do not know if the vaccine works or if the vaccine is safe but they are going to inject it into the old people anyway and make them the first group to get it.
8. “Children and adolescents aged 10-17 years: No clinical data are available for any influenza vaccines with AS03 in this age group. Consideration may be given to dosing in accordance with recommendations for adults.”………..same as #7 above
9. “Children aged 3-9 years: Based on limited clinical data available for AS03-adjuvanted H5N1…”…….meaning they are basing the vaccine dose for this age group on very limited data from another vaccine that is not the H1N1 vaccine (H5N1 – not H1N1) so again they are doing this because no standard testing results exist regarding the Canadian H1N1 vaccine. They are giving out a vaccine that has not been tested under standard procedures.
10. “Children aged from 6-35 months: No clinical data are available for influenza vaccines with AS03 in this age group“…….same as comments from #7, #8 and #9.
11. “Warnings and Precautions -Caution is needed when administering this vaccine to persons with a known hypersensitivity (other than anaphylactic reaction) to the active substance, to any of the excipients and to residues”…….do you really think anyone will be given this list of ingredients or a similar list and be asked if they are “hypersensitive” to any of them? Are you hypersensitive to mercury? What kind of question is that and how are you supposed to know if you are hypersensitive to any of them when many are known toxins and carcinogens?
12. “As with all injectable vaccines, appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be readily available in case of a rare anaphylactic event following the administration of the vaccine“………not too sure how this applies to giving the shot out at Grocery stores like the Health Unit has done in the past…….what kind of emergency medication and emergency equipment is going be on hand if someone collapses after the shot at an off site non-medical location. The same clause openly admits a fatal result can occur from vaccination, although rare.
13. “Arepanrix™ H1N1 should under no circumstances be administered intravascularly or intradermally“……..with millions of shots being given in weeks…….the statistically probability that a health care workers hits a vein is high.
14. “Antibody response in patients with endogenous or iatrogenic immunosuppression may be insufficient“……..this means things like Aspirin, Tylenol, other pain killers and immune suppression drugs actually shut off your immune system so taking those painkiller chemicals/toxins may not be a good idea when you are being injected with vaccine chemicals/toxins. I am not aware of anyone who gets screened for taking those drugs before they get the shot.

15. “Pregnancy and Lactation -No data have been generated in pregnant women with Arepanrix™ H1N1 nor with the prototype AS03 adjuvanted H5N1 vaccine“……meaning health officials have absolutely no data on how this vaccine affects women who are pregnant but they are going to give it to them anyway and mark them as a group who gets bullied into receiving the shot first. The female has always been a historical target of the male dominated medical industry. All the way from the witch hunts (women curing with food/natural items) until today.
16. “CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE TAKEN OF ANY RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY THE PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY OF CANADA.”……….I believe this means you are supposed to do your own homework regarding the risks of the vaccine even though the media and the health care system are rarely telling people any particular risks (other than the blanket statement that there are risks in all vaccines) and the insert is hard to interpret even for the most informed individuals.
17. “No data are available on the concomitant administration of Arepanrix™ H1N1 with other vaccines, including seasonal trivalent influenza vaccines. Such data are in development, and this document will be amended to include them as soon as available. However, if co-administration with another vaccine is indicated, immunization should be carried out on separate limbs. It should be noted that the adverse reactions may be intensified”………..meaning they have no data on the safety of injecting this vaccine along with another vaccine but the medical industry gives a full speed ahead to do it anyway……it just means the patient will experience more side effects……..the exact same side effects they rarely talk about in public but list on the insert so they are not liable for your injuries.
18. Here are some of the potential side effects listed in the insert of the Canadian H1N1 vaccine. These side effects happened during the short testing period with another vaccine (that was not even the swine flu vaccine but only one similar) on healthy people (meaning they cherry picked their test subjects – not everyone getting the shot will be healthy) and the vaccine tested did not even include the adjuvant squalene, which is hypothesized to be one of the or the most dangerous ingredient in the new H1N1 vaccine.
Muscle Aches
Joint Pain
Blood and lymphatic system disorders -lymphadenopathy
Psychiatric disorders -insomnia
Nervous system disorders -dizziness, paraesthesia
Ear and labyrinth disorders -vertigo
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders – dyspnoea
Gastrointestinal disorders nausea, diarrhoea,pain, vomiting, dyspepsia, stomach discomfort
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders – pruritus, rash
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders -back pain, musculoskeletal stiffness, neck pain, muscle spasms, pain in extremity
General disorders and administration site conditions injection site reactions (such as bruising, pruritus, asthenia, chest pain, malaise
*two instances of ovarian carcinoma (highly rare/potential link only)
*a metastatic malignancy of unspecified type (highly rare/potential link only)
exacerbation of diabetes mellitus and hepatic cirrhosis (highly rare/potential link only)
*a myocardial infarction (highly rare/potential link only)
*Bell’s palsy
*anaphylactic reaction to food
*polymyalgia rheumatica
*Grave’s disease
*isolated IVth nerve palsy
* denotes effects from a vaccine test that did contain the adjuvant squlene
*** we can also be relieved that the makers of the vaccine have decided that many of these effects had very little or nothing to do with the vaccine…..that is a song they have played many times before.
That was a quick review up until page 10 of the 24 page insert. I had to stop because I believe that should be enough for anyone that these vaccines are highly questionable.
I also want to add one more link that compares this vaccine to the one used in the 1960's that was pushed on pregnant women as well. It was called Thalidomide, and was said to prevent morning sickness, and was also advertised as a cure for insomnia, cough, cold, and headaches and a minor side effect of pregnancy. “The drug was given to millions of pregnant mothers in 46 countries without proof of its benefits or harm to the fetus was ignored by the German drug manufacturer." Just like the H1N1 vaccine. As I mentioned earlier, it is illegal for any drug company to test vaccines on pregnant women or infants.
The truth is that no one knows for sure what the long-term effects of this vaccine are. Only time will tell. And since Canada has added it to the seasonal flu vaccine, it's not even an option anymore. If you want the flu shot, you're getting this strain too. I wish I could say that what they're doing is not amoral. But it is. They beefed up the stories of the people who died from it so they could get everyone in line to get the shot. And now what's left is the memory of what we were told. Sadly, this is nothing more than propaganda used to feed the fears of people who don't care enough to look up the information for themselves, or those too blind to recognize that money means more than lives, and the only "number" that counts is the one with the dollar sign in front of it. Not the one beside your name.
If this post does nothing else, I hope it makes you look at your lives, and the lives of your children, as something you need to fight for. Question what you're told. Research it. Make an educated decision. As the saying goes, "educate before you vaccinate". We can't UN-vaccinate. Once the damage is done, it's done. So know what you're talking about.
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